Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. to treat gently or carefully
  2. 5. to establish or apply as a charge or penalty
  3. 7. a source of supply or support
  4. 8. so clear in statement that there is no doubt
  5. 10. the act or process of putting in
  6. 12. to represent or give expression to
  7. 14. a good name or public admiration
  8. 15. concerned with the science or practice of medicine
  1. 1. a person one knows slightly
  2. 3. one more in addition
  3. 4. to bring or come to an end
  4. 6. a risky project or undertaking
  5. 9. being stately and dignified
  6. 11. the manner in which something is arranged
  7. 13. a person who specializes in the art of healing