Crossword Puzzle CIRQUE DU FREAk

  1. 3. / watery animal fluid
  2. 4. / to control by personal charm
  3. 6. / faultily or anomalously formed
  4. 8. / damp and heavy
  5. 10. / theoretical or hypothetical
  6. 11. / a tool for working metal or stone
  7. 15. / people with bones like rubber
  8. 17. / animal that preying other animals
  9. 18. / a walkway between seats in the theater
  10. 20. / unreasonably obstinate
  11. 21. c/ symptomatic of epilepsy
  12. 22. / a fierce or vicious person or animal
  13. 23. / strange or special
  1. 1. / a passage
  2. 2. / beyond what is usual, or established
  3. 5. / a child having extraordinary talent
  4. 7. / a person or animal has an example of a strange deviation from nature
  5. 8. / sample
  6. 9. / to attract and hold by a unique power
  7. 12. / advertisement
  8. 13. / cannot feel or catch
  9. 14. / a small well-padded cushion in which pins are stuck ready for use
  10. 16. / a kind of spider that most of them are poisonous
  11. 19. / communication between minds