Crossword Puzzle Development

  1. 4. absolute or relative
  2. 5. [blank] factors of development include culture & migration & traditions & gender relations
  3. 6. North-South [blank]: the physical global divide which represents the different levels of state development
  4. 8. [blank] factors of development include infrastructure & state debt & use of funds & education & trade relationships
  5. 11. [blank] footprint is the reason why many Western developed states often score poorly on the Happy Plant Index
  6. 12. international [blank] is resources transferred between states in the hope to improve that state's condition (sometimes plagued by ulterior motives)
  7. 13. a process which connected all the levels of analysis
  8. 14. pathway toward development which has been said to be the largest growing economic sectors in recent years but is often fragile to health epidemics and conflict
  9. 17. unbalanced access to resources
  1. 1. what is done must be not negatively impact future generation (often connected to the environment)
  2. 2. [blank] factors of development include corruption & legitimacy & accountability & transparency
  3. 3. theory which believes that government should remain outside of the economy in order to best develop states
  4. 7. [blank] theory: developed states need developing states to allow their economies to remain dominant
  5. 9. the main idea of the unit (a broad based and sustained increase in the standard of living and well-being of a level of social organization)
  6. 10. a ideological theory which states the best pathway toward development is free market competition
  7. 15. theory without hard policy on development but overall believes in government involvement in the market to support economic growth and therefore development
  8. 16. [blank] Development Goals are the initial set of goals set up by the U.N. to be reached by 2015