  1. 3. It is the most important day in the Jewish calendar; God's completion of the creation.
  2. 9. He is said to be the founder of Islam, known as "The Seal of the Prophets".
  3. 11. It is an organize and unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things which unite into one single moral community.
  4. 12. The mountain where Noah's Ark landed after a huge storm and flood.
  5. 15. A process of removing impurity commonly done by Shinto people.
  6. 18. Hindu believed as the most sacred sound; the root of universe and everything exist and it continues to hold everything together.
  7. 19. The most popular religion in the world; centers life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  8. 20. Along the Four Noble Truth of Buddha; this emphasizes that the cause of suffering is cravings or desire.
  1. 1. The center of Christianity; He is the savior, the messiah of humanity.
  2. 2. Along with the Five Pillars of Islam; the very first words uttered into an infant's ear and perhaps the last words given to a dying Muslim: "There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
  3. 4. The season for the birth of the messiah, present day Christmas.
  4. 5. It relates or affects to human spirit or soul; one's personal quest for the meaning of value of life.
  5. 6. It refers to a set of beliefs about life and universe held by the people.
  6. 7. It is an essential and creative principle: the way or path signifying appropriateness of one's behavior to lead other.
  7. 8. A form of purification that one does to oneself by refraining from saying and doing inappropriate things.
  8. 10. A Confucian principle and belief that power should be vested to the leaders who possess high intellects and skills.
  9. 13. The central ethical principle of Confucianism: generally doing things that benefit other people.
  10. 14. It served as a philosophy of abandonment and withdrawal from the rampant warfare and social unrest adhering to the ultimate goal of confirming to the great pattern of nature.
  11. 16. A festive in Shinto done to drive away bad luck and invite good luck.
  12. 17. A sacred belief or doctrine that God has three aspects - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.