Crossword Puzzle - Land Hunger: Melbourne, 1837

  1. 3. Who sailed to Port Phillip in the schooner Enterprise and claimed to have surveyed the land, built a home and grown vegetables? (4,7)
  2. 5. Who was appointed Assistant Surveyor of Port Phillip but was later replaced? (6,7)
  3. 11. What was the name of the group of Tasmanian businessmen wanting to form a settlement on Port Phillip Bay? (4,7,11)
  4. 14. What was the location of the whaling station mentioned in the script? (8,3)
  5. 15. Who was the Police Magistrate for Campbelltown? (6,7)
  6. 17. What animals arrived in Port Phillip in poor condition and delayed the start of the land survey?
  7. 20. What was the name of the Indigenous people living in Port Phillip at the time of the first settlement of Melbourne?
  8. 23. Name the original location chosen for the township of Melbourne? (11,5)
  9. 24. Name the explorer who was the first white man to sail up the Yarra River in 1803. (7,6)
  10. 27. What was the name of the ship the Governor sailed to Port Phillip in?
  11. 29. What name did the European explorers call the Yarra River? (5,5)
  12. 30. How many allotments were sold at the first land sale in Melbourne? (3,7)
  13. 32. Who was the Secretary of State for the Colonies? (4,7)
  14. 33. Name the explorer who wrote to the Colonial Secretary of Van Diemen’s Land about the treatment of the Indigenous people and asked for their protection. (4,5)
  1. 1. Besides tobacco, what other substance was the ‘respectable residents’ of Port Phillip concerned that the Indigenous people should not acquire a taste for?
  2. 2. Who was appointed as the first Police Magistrate of Port Phillip? (7,7,8)
  3. 4. What was the name of the escaped convict who brought injured Indigenous people to Port Phillip to verify the extent of their wounds inflicted by whalers working in Western Port? (7,7)
  4. 6. Besides officers, who else made up the survey party sent from Sydney?
  5. 7. What was the Governor’s ruling about the legality of any land treaty with the Indigenous people? (4,3,2,2,6)
  6. 8. What was the original name of Tasmania? (3,7,4)
  7. 9. Who was the Governor of New South Wales? (3,7,6)
  8. 10. Who negotiated a treaty with the Indigenous people? (4,6)
  9. 12. Name the auctioneer and surveyor who drew up a plan of the township of Melbourne for the first land sale. (6,6)
  10. 13. In addition to D’Arcy, who was the other surveyor assisting the Assistant Surveyor with the survey?
  11. 16. What was the original name of Melbourne?
  12. 18. What was the name of the Governor’s two documents that were distributed around the colony?
  13. 19. Who was the reigning British monarch at the time of the first land sales in Melbourne? (4,7)
  14. 21. Who was Deputy Surveyor General of New South Wales? (6,5)
  15. 22. Who was Melbourne named after? (4,9)
  16. 25. What did whalers collect from Western Port when the whaling season was over? (6,4)
  17. 26. What did the original location for the township of Melbourne lack which resulted in an alternative site being chosen?
  18. 28. What was the upset price of each allotment at the first land sale in Melbourne? (4,6)
  19. 31. Complete the famous quote by an explorer who sailed up the Yarra River in June, 1835: ‘This will be a place for a _____’.