- 6. A bend in the mountain road doubling on itself
- 8. An all-natural alarm clock?
- 9. Large cat native to the Americas
- 10. The name of the farm (in Golu)
- 12. Who is catching salmon in the Golu 2022?
- 14. The ice cream store (in Golu)
- 16. Transports people up the mountains; as the crow flies
- 17. A natural landscape with a peak
- 18. An early stage of baby Salmon
- 1. Vehicle to transport horses
- 2. What did the Ugly duckling grow up to be?
- 3. Famous hotel on Lake Louise
- 4. Hike to a place serving English afternoon drink
- 5. Lake highlight in our Golu 2022
- 7. Illegal hunter
- 11. Banff is in this province
- 13. A person who chops trees
- 15. The chocolate store (in Golu)