  1. 1. - It is a complete set of data that consists of the totality of observations with which we are concerned.
  2. 5. - It is referring to the collection of observable information or facts.
  3. 6. method - It involves manipulating one variable to determine of changes in one variable cause changes in another variable.
  4. 7. Method - This method is inexpensive and can cover a wide area in a shorter span of time.
  5. 9. Method - This method of direct exchange between the interviewer and interviewee.
  6. 10. It is a branch of mathematics that dealing with collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of masses of numerical data.
  1. 2. scale - It is classify and categorizes data using words and letters to describe variables.
  2. 3. scale - it is refers to a value of zero or starts at an absolute zero point.
  3. 4. - It is a numerical characteristics or attribute associated with the population that can assume different values.
  4. 8. Scale - a quantitative measurement scale where variables have an order, the difference between two variables is equal, and the presence of zero is arbitrary.