crossword puzzle (mixed questions)

  1. 6. Pop Genre From Korea
  2. 8. Universitas With the symbol of the half elephant god
  3. 10. smart poeple who are opten asked for help
  4. 12. Black Continent
  5. 14. Japanese currency
  6. 15. One of the tringgers Of air and noise pollution
  7. 16. The Earth Is Shaking
  8. 18. deepest trough
  9. 19. Chemical Compounds That Ghibran Once said During the campign
  10. 21. The Wind Is Spinning
  11. 23. longest river in the world
  12. 24. Snowhite Best freiend
  1. 1. 3 rd foot of grandmother
  2. 2. The Higher The More eradicated
  3. 3. burned paryer tools
  4. 4. A Cartoon Character Who Asks Too many question
  5. 5. bamboo curtain country
  6. 7. iron bird
  7. 9. Christmss Gift Shares
  8. 11. very precius peper
  9. 13. Clothes Sysnonymous with Kings
  10. 17. Newborn Cat
  11. 20. Something to step on
  12. 22. Unit Nama of elektrical resistense
  13. 24. if we run,we wil be chased even more