Crossword Puzzle Moaz El-Sakka

  1. 2. Group of Twenty, established during the economic crisis of the 1990s, which is similar to G7 but has thirteen more member nations.
  2. 5. World Trade Organization, established in 1995, which promotes trade liberalization throughout the world, with economic prosperity and social development at the heart of its mission. It has 153 member countries, and its decisions are made by consensus.
  3. 6. trade agreement established in January 1994 between Canada, Mexico, and the USA, with the purpose of removing trade barriers between these countries.
  4. 8. Treaties created to prevent double taxation and tax evasion for people who would pay taxes in their home country and another country on the same income.
  5. 11. International Monetary Fund, consisting of 186 member nations, which tracks economic trends, analyzes countries' financial performances, warns governments of potential financial problems, provides expertise to governments, and provides a forum for discussion.
  6. 12. An enforceable treaty between two or more countries that addresses the movement of goods and services, eliminates trade barriers, establishes terms of trade, and encourages foreign investment.
  7. 15. United Nations, not a governing body but a unique association of nations dedicated to promoting global peace and social progress.
  8. 17. The practice of businesses hiring an external company or individual from a country where production costs are substantially cheaper than in more developed countries, such as Bangladesh or India.
  1. 1. A strategy that combines the best elements of both global and multidomestic strategies.
  2. 2. A business strategy that views the world as one big market, with uniform products and marketing across the globe.
  3. 3. A business strategy that recognizes different cultures around the world and customizes products, services, and marketing for the local culture, especially effective when cultural differences are prominent.
  4. 4. The increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among people, businesses, and countries worldwide, driven by advancements in technology and liberalized trade and investment policies.
  5. 7. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, established in 1989, bringing together numerous countries located around the Pacific Ocean for the purpose of promoting trade. APEC has twenty-one member countries, accounting for a large portion of the world's population, GDP, and international trade. Unlike other international organizations, APEC is not established through treaties, but rather operates based on consensus among its members, with commitments being voluntary.
  6. 9. trade agreement established in 1993, encompassing twenty-seven European countries and nearly half a billion people. It has its own flag, anthem, and currency, as well as common financial, security, and foreign policies.
  7. 10. Groups established to help with the free flow of goods and services, which can be global or regional.
  8. 13. Group of Seven, encompassing the major economies of the world: Canada, the USA, Italy, Germany, the EU, the UK, and France.
  9. 14. common currency used in 17 of the 27 EU member nations.
  10. 16. An organization of 186 member countries that provides monetary and technical support on interest for developing countries.