Crossword Puzzle-November 2012

  1. 1. "The Karate _____" (movie)
  2. 3. A string and two ____ cans make a telephone (ask your parents)
  3. 6. Korean word for school or training hall
  4. 7. What you get on Halloween
  5. 8. State where Mr. Chapman is from
  6. 12. Country where Taekwondo originated
  7. 15. After yellow belt
  8. 17. Your parents won't let you have this and it costs 25 cents
  9. 18. What you do with your legs
  1. 2. Uniform
  2. 4. You thank them for bringing you to class
  3. 5. November 22
  4. 8. Training floor
  5. 9. The school's mascot
  6. 10. It gobbles
  7. 11. The highest belt level is a _____ belt
  8. 13. "3" in Korean
  9. 14. Teacher
  10. 16. _____ a punch