Crossword Puzzle on Simple Machines

  1. 2. simple machine which is a cylinder with a head (solid top) at one end and a pointed tip (like a nail) at the other end.
  2. 4. the machines which make work easier using simple objects.
  3. 7. a simple machine made from a piece of a substance (such as wood or iron) that tapers to a thin edge.
  4. 8. a sheave or small wheel with a grooved rim and with or without the block.
  5. 9. is an action which performs displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and time.
  6. 10. measurement of how much matter is in an object.
  7. 11. how fast an object is moving.
  1. 1. a push or pull
  2. 3. the ability to do work
  3. 5. is a bar or board that rests on a support called a fulcrum.
  4. 6. simple machine used for raising heavy bodies.