  1. 4. – Series of step executed by both of your feet alternately
  2. 8. – slow, moderate or fast. Music dictates the speed of movement we create
  3. 9. – Word which means movement
  4. 11. – The opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy exerted into a body segment
  5. 13. – Word which means place
  6. 14. – It refers to the scope of movement execution
  7. 15. – A festival which is done in the month of April
  1. 1. – Is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term for flexion is to bend .
  2. 2. – This is the basis of all locomotor movements
  3. 3. – To change the position of the feet or any body part that carries the body’s weight allowing the body to face in a less than 360 degress
  4. 5. – Another word for extension
  5. 6. – This movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the ground
  6. 7. – This element adds to variety of movement. They may be performed forward , backward , sideward or even upward
  7. 10. – A muscle movement opposite to contraction done when it let goes or let looses of being held into a shortening movement
  8. 12. – The regular recurrence of a beat