Crossword puzzle revision

  1. 6. not moving
  2. 9. a person's home, especially a large and impressive one
  3. 10. many/ great in number
  4. 12. something sweet consumed after a meal
  5. 14. one or two more possibilities
  6. 16. a place to live
  7. 18. having no moral principals or unfair
  8. 19. to improve your skills
  9. 20. go after/ chase
  1. 1. visually attractive/beautiful scenery
  2. 2. praise formally
  3. 3. pen, pencil, ruler, etc.
  4. 4. a dry place/to abandon
  5. 5. every two years
  6. 7. known or talked about by many people/ famous
  7. 8. people staying in an area
  8. 11. huge, big
  9. 13. a person who has retired
  10. 15. yearly
  11. 17. a person who breaks into a house