Crossword Puzzle - SFAM Edition

  1. 1. What I miss drinking at parties
  2. 3. A genre of music that we can both relate to
  3. 4. Must use this at all times after touching everything
  4. 6. Something you shouldn't do in public if you don't want to be accused of having the virus
  5. 7. A dutti subject that no one likes - aka my major
  6. 9. Being stuck at home because of Covid-19
  7. 11. Degeneracy food that makes your butthole burn
  8. 13. Something I finished all by myself even though I wasn't that hungry
  1. 1. I miss having these at each other's houses
  2. 2. An addicting game regardless of quarantine
  3. 5. What I miss drinking every day
  4. 8. My ______ enjoyed using your bedding
  5. 10. We shall beat the last song of this game
  6. 12. We tell each other after we had this