Crossword Puzzle "The French Revolution and Romanticism" Chapters 1-7

  1. 4. rule over a country as its czar, king, or queen
  2. 10. a place where money and other riches of a government are kept
  3. 11. the title given to the prince who is next in line to inherit the French throne
  4. 12. the money paid by a borrowerfor the use of someone else's money
  5. 13. a group of people chosen to speak on behalf of a larger group
  6. 14. the wealthy members of French society, such as landlords, who were also part of the Third Estate; people who were neither Nobles or peasants
  7. 16. a place where public records or historical documents are kept
  8. 17. one-tenth of a person's income, paid to support a church
  9. 18. a belief or feeling of superiority
  1. 1. a male noble who rules a small territory
  2. 2. a period of rule
  3. 3. characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; cruel or unjust
  4. 5. in France; everyone who was not a member of the nobility or clergy; included everyone from the poorest of the poor to the wealthy middle class
  5. 6. to allow someone to do what they want; to spoil someone
  6. 7. an assembly made up of representatives from France's Three Estates
  7. 8. deed, a document stating a person's legal ownership
  8. 9. an area or region similar to a state
  9. 15. a person who serves as a friend or adviser to a ruler in his or her court