  1. 2. This theory is composed of ten (10) steps in identifying patient’s problems and eleven (11) skills used in developing a nursing care plan.
  2. 7. This model provides a comprehensive holistic and system-based approach to nursing that contains an element of flexibility by Neuman.
  3. 12. Nursing as a health care profession would prove its worth of being at par in quality performance with other health care professionals by Divinagracia.
  4. 13. Theory that deals with the interpersonal aspects of nursing, focusing especially to mental health by Joyce Travelbee.
  5. 14. King’s Model proposing three interacting systems; a person system, an interpersonal system and a social system.
  6. 17. The Orem Model of Nursing used in rehabilitation and primary care of or other settings in which patients are encouraged to be independent.
  7. 18. Henderson’s Theory that emphasizes the importance of increasing the patient’s independence to continue the progress after hospitalization.
  8. 19. It is also known as the "Three Cs of Lydia Hall", containing three (3) independent but interconnected circles.
  9. 20. This Nursing theory proposes that expert nurses develop skills and understanding of patient care over time through education and experiences; from Novice to Expert.
  1. 1. It was developed by Dorothy Johnson that stresses the importance of research-knowledge about the effect of nursing care on patients.
  2. 3. This theory describes the importance of promoting adaptation on nursing processes.
  3. 4. A motivational theory in psychology compromising five (5) tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
  4. 5. Orlando’s model that explain the role of the nurse in finding out and meeting the patient’s immediate needs for help.
  5. 6. A system theory that includes purpose, content and process, and breaking down the “whole” and analyzing the parts.
  6. 8. Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory that gives importance in cultural and care knowledge in nursing practice.
  7. 9. A theory about the importance of environment in client’s healing process.
  8. 10. A theory that advocate that “caritas” means love and charity and caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love through tending, playing and learning
  9. 11. Main goal is to help the patient through the family, when nurses can be of great assistance to prevent at the very beginning serious complication.
  10. 15. Levine’s Model focusing on conserving the patient’s energy for health and healing.
  11. 16. This theory is an expansion of Piaget’s theory having three (3) levels of reasoning namely; pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional.