Crossword Puzzle Unit 6 Sapir Gazit Period 6

  1. 1. Wealthier people moving to low-income neighborhoods
  2. 4. New urban development on vacant land
  3. 12. Population/job dispersal from city centers
  4. 13. Walkable, mixed-use urban design
  5. 14. Perpetuating residential segregation through real estate
  6. 16. Unethical lending discrimination in certain areas
  7. 18. Massive urban regions encompassing multiple cities
  8. 19. Uncontrolled outward expansion of cities
  9. 20. Outer city commercial/residential development
  10. 22. Managing growth efficiently, protecting environment
  11. 24. Extremely large cities over 10 million
  12. 25. Rapidly growing suburb on metropolitan fringe
  13. 27. Densely populated, built-up non-agricultural regions
  14. 28. Revitalizing blighted urban areas
  15. 29. Informal housing without land tenure
  1. 2. City size pattern related to rank
  2. 3. Total population / total land area
  3. 4. Requiring affordable housing in new development
  4. 5. Numerical, measurable data
  5. 6. Movement from cities to rural areas
  6. 7. Basic urban facilities and services
  7. 8. Disproportionately largest city in a country
  8. 9. Perceived crowdedness based on built environment
  9. 10. Descriptive data on qualities/opinions
  10. 11. Ranking of cities by size/influence
  11. 15. Meeting present needs without compromising future
  12. 17. Land use patterns based on rent
  13. 21. Dividing land for specific uses
  14. 23. Rural population / arable land ratio
  15. 26. Undeveloped buffer zone around cities