- 1. Wealthier people moving to low-income neighborhoods
- 4. New urban development on vacant land
- 12. Population/job dispersal from city centers
- 13. Walkable, mixed-use urban design
- 14. Perpetuating residential segregation through real estate
- 16. Unethical lending discrimination in certain areas
- 18. Massive urban regions encompassing multiple cities
- 19. Uncontrolled outward expansion of cities
- 20. Outer city commercial/residential development
- 22. Managing growth efficiently, protecting environment
- 24. Extremely large cities over 10 million
- 25. Rapidly growing suburb on metropolitan fringe
- 27. Densely populated, built-up non-agricultural regions
- 28. Revitalizing blighted urban areas
- 29. Informal housing without land tenure
- 2. City size pattern related to rank
- 3. Total population / total land area
- 4. Requiring affordable housing in new development
- 5. Numerical, measurable data
- 6. Movement from cities to rural areas
- 7. Basic urban facilities and services
- 8. Disproportionately largest city in a country
- 9. Perceived crowdedness based on built environment
- 10. Descriptive data on qualities/opinions
- 11. Ranking of cities by size/influence
- 15. Meeting present needs without compromising future
- 17. Land use patterns based on rent
- 21. Dividing land for specific uses
- 23. Rural population / arable land ratio
- 26. Undeveloped buffer zone around cities