Crossword puzzle

  1. 2. What season does the novel take place in?
  2. 6. Mechanical __________.
  3. 8. What does Montag steel from a alarm?
  4. 10. What is Montags job?
  5. 11. How many walls are televisions in Montags house?
  6. 14. Clarisse is killed by a __________.
  7. 15. What does Mildred overdose on?
  8. 17. Montag meets Clarisse while going__________.
  9. 18. How long has Clarisse been dead when Mildred tells Montag?
  1. 1. Who wrote Fahrenheit 451?
  2. 3. Who did Montag meet one year before the book take place?
  3. 4. The mechanical hound tracks down its prey by its __________ complex.
  4. 5. A fireman job is to __________ books.
  5. 7. How many books did Montag turn into Captain Beatty?
  6. 9. Faber was once a __________.
  7. 12. How many books has Montag stolen over the course of his career?
  8. 13. Where did Montag first hide his books?
  9. 16. How many years has Montag been a fireman?