  1. 2. William Harvey discovered that blood was pumped by the ____.
  2. 5. Isaac Newton developed ____.
  3. 7. the father of anatomy.
  4. 9. Johannes Kepler studied the orbits of planets and discovered laws relating to ____.
  5. 11. Studied by Copernicus.
  6. 13. said "I think therefore I am."
  7. 14. Ancient Greek astronomer.
  8. 15. the study of the human body
  9. 18. Copernicus's theory.
  10. 19. Boyle established ____ as a pure science.
  1. 1. Newton discovered _____
  2. 3. the planets move in _____.
  3. 4. Harvey studied the circulation of ____.
  4. 6. father of chemistry.
  5. 8. Ptolemy believed the ______ was the center of the universe
  6. 10. made the scientific method.
  7. 12. study of the stars.
  8. 16. Apple fell on his head.
  9. 17. to say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief.