Crossword Puzzles Hortatory Exposition

  1. 2. When did cell phone user increase dramatically?
  2. 5. The synonym of ban
  3. 11. We cannot .... on exam
  4. 12. Portable telephone also called as ..... phone
  5. 13. What is the size of mobile phone?
  6. 14. The school do not allow their student to bring mobil phone because it's very.....
  7. 15. Mobile phone can be used to taking....
  8. 17. Students can cheat without getting....
  9. 19. Mobile phone might distract students, making them less....
  10. 20. In case of an ....., school provide easy access to phone
  1. 1. Mobile phone not only used for what?
  2. 3. What did the student ask their friends while cheating on exam?
  3. 4. These days, student also using mobile....
  4. 6. The antonym of decrease
  5. 7. Student usually study at?
  6. 8. Besides adult, mobile phone also used by?
  7. 9. Student can use mobile phone to ..... with their friend
  8. 10. Bringing mobile phone to school potentially ..... the learning process
  9. 16. In a manner that lacks a proper sense of responsibility
  10. 18. Mobile phone can ..... people around the world