CROSSword Review 3

  1. 6. What was the name of the angel charged with helping Daniel understand his vision? (Daniel 8:16)
  2. 7. Esther's jewish name was ______? (Esther 2:7)
  3. 9. What is the name of the scribe of the law and priest who "set his heart to study the Law of the Lord, and to do it and to teach his statutes to Israel." (Ezra 7:10)
  4. 10. The jewish holiday ____ was instituted to remember each year how the Lord delivered the Jews from Haman and their enemies. (Esther 9:27,28)
  5. 12. The word of the Lord came to the prophet ____ saying "Return to me, says the Lord of hosts, and I will return to you." (Zechariah 1:1-6)
  6. 13. Under Nehemiah's leadership the wall around Jerusalem was completed in 52 ____. (Nehemiah 6:15)
  1. 1. _______ is the final book of the Old Testament.
  2. 2. The Lord stirred up the spirit of what Persian king to allow all the Jews to return to Jerusalem? (Ezra 1:1-3)
  3. 3. Nehemiah was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes and asked for leave to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the ____. (Nehemiah 2:3-6,17)
  4. 4. Daniel and his three friends; Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, were selected to be trained for ____ years before entering the king's service. (Daniel 1:5)
  5. 5. ______ the Agagite plotted to have all Jews in Persia to be destroyed, killed and annihilated. (Esther 3:12-14)
  6. 8. The prophet Haggai warned the people to get back to work on the Lord's temple and accused them of being too busy with their own ____. (Haggai 1:4,9)
  7. 11. King Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah and took most of the Israelites to _____. ( Daniel 1)