Crossword + Riddles

  1. 1. He has married many women, but is not married.
  2. 6. Here, you can finish a book without finishing a sentence.
  3. 7. Forwards It’s heavy, backwards It’s not.
  4. 8. It’s 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat.
  5. 9. The more you take of these, the more you leave behind.
  6. 10. It can go up, but never comes down.
  7. 11. It has many teeth, but cannot bite.
  1. 1. This can get broken without being held.
  2. 2. This has hands, but cannot clap.
  3. 3. This disappears as soon as you say its name.
  4. 4. It has holes, but can hold water.
  5. 5. It is always coming, but never arrives.