- 3. I'm not the alphabet, but I have letters. I'm not a pole, but I have a flag.
- 6. I have eyes but cannot see.
- 8. Which came first? The chicken or me?
- 10. The building that has the most stories.
- 11. You might say I'm popular - I always have the most dates.
- 13. I have hands but cannot clap.
- 14. If not for me, the birds would live in a hole in a tree.
- 15. I'm full of holes, but can still hold water.
- 1. I dry as I get wetter.
- 2. I go up and down, but never move.
- 4. This is where the tools live, and what a snake does when it's sick of its skin.
- 5. Seeing double? Check me to spot your doppelganger.
- 7. I don't mind if you're snotty. If you have an issue, I'm here.
- 9. I don't mind a little weight.
- 12. I can skip but can't walk. I'd rather sing than talk.