Crossword Scavenger Hunt: Chinese Inventions and Ideas

  1. 2. One of the chief accomplishments of the Great Wall of China was to defend the empire from being invaded by the ______.
  2. 5. The great advantages of the Chinese moldboard plow are that it turns over the soil more easily and it can be easily pulled by ___ ox.
  3. 7. Goods and products were not the only things that moved on the Silk Road through Asia and on to the Middle East. Ideas, customs, and beliefs were exchanged, too. What’s that word, beginning with “C”?
  4. 10. He is the famous Chinese philosopher whose promoting of respect and learning sparked the building of schools and civil service exams, BUT his teachings were despised by government leaders who preferred the harsh system called Legalism.
  5. 14. How many centuries later did Europeans start using row planting after the Chinese had started it around the year 200 B.C.? Around ___________. Begins with a “T.”
  6. 15. The wheelbarrow it was used carry supplies to ____ or to carry away the wounded.
  7. 17. Silk is woven from something made by the silk worm. The...
  8. 19. He was China’s first emperor, and he ordered the Great Wall built (and his name is the root word for “China.”
  9. 20. The Chinese invented playing cards. But it was actually the _______ from Egypt that really introduced playing cards to Europe in the middle of the 1300’s. War carries culture, sadly.
  10. 23. According to Buddhists, what is the word used to describe enlightenment or freedom from suffering?
  11. 27. What tool that we use today is the great-great-great, etc. grandchild of the abacus?
  12. 28. In what nearby county is the largest-sized Buddha statue in the Western Hemisphere?
  13. 29. Read screen 8 in Eva Ricardulli’s presentation. The Agricultural Revolution fueled The ___________ Revolution. Thus, we live in a world shaped by Chinese inventions!
  14. 30. One advantage of paper money--and why it was called “flying paper,” is because it was lighter than coin money: the _____ could blow it out of you hands.
  15. 31. When a bronze ball falls into a frog’s mouth in Zhang Heng's seismograph. it means there has been a ground ________, which means there has been an earthquake; Send help!”
  16. 32. The world’s oldest and first suspension bridge was built in Anlan by inventor Li Ping, of rope, logs and __________.
  1. 1. The wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor was given the title _________ of Silk because she is credited with the introduction of silkworm rearing and the invention of the loom.
  2. 3. According to Lao Tzu Whom or What must you master to achieve True Power? (Read the quotes ini Mia Drago’s Slides.)
  3. 4. According to Chinese doctors, a person is healthy when the forces of yin and yang are ______?
  4. 6. The earliest Chinese characters [or pictograms] were found on animal bones used for prediction called ______ bones.
  5. 8. Both the stirrup and horse harness gave riders greater __________ over the powerful beasts they were riding.
  6. 9. This British inventor reinvented the seed drill around 1700.
  7. 11. Early Chinese alchemists accidentally came up with gunpowder when they were looking for an elixir [potion] for what?
  8. 12. The Chinese placed the Earth at the center of the Universe. One function of an Armillary Sphere was mapping _____.
  9. 13. You know him. He is the most famous traveler on the Silk Road. Marco!
  10. 16. The blast furnace was key in both Chinese farming and Chinese warfare; it helped them to rapidly make high-quality military weapons and farming tools made from what metal?
  11. 18. He says you should you treat yourself, your family and others with _______.
  12. 21. What is the name of a pathway that acupuncture doctors say carry qi energy around the body?
  13. 22. While the Chinese were NOT the first to use a rudder to steer a boat, they were the first to mount it firmly on the back-- or ______ --of their boat, for greater control.
  14. 24. According to Lao Tzu, humans should try to imitate what, or live in balance with what?
  15. 25. During what dynasty--which was a “golden age of invention,” as Dylan Young points on in his Prezi--was the mechanical water clock invented?
  16. 26. Acupuncture is said to relieve what one kind of pains you could get from staring at a computer screen for too long?