Crossword Unit 3 Part C Lena

  1. 1. Girls are also ... than boys.
  2. 5. man in black
  3. 6. My friend cryes by every film we watch together. She is very ....
  4. 9. Who saved lots of animels when a wildfire comes over?
  5. 10. all around us
  6. 11. What was the cause of the wildfire?
  7. 12. famouse person
  8. 13. something I need to boil water
  1. 2. a pro of something
  2. 3. Disney ...
  3. 4. Kolumbus do lots of ...
  4. 7. the corona virus is ...
  5. 8. my toast is every morning
  6. 12. it's a big problem of our world