
  1. 2. 10 second videos
  2. 4. art online community
  3. 5. a social media app where you can post pictures
  4. 9. diys
  5. 10. post posting every second
  6. 12. posting pictures and updating your status
  7. 14. tweeting
  8. 17. messaging app
  9. 18. online videos
  10. 19. online portfolios
  1. 1. music
  2. 3. online communication
  3. 6. online shopping
  4. 7. footprint computer and phone history
  5. 8. 6-second videos
  6. 11. email
  7. 13. information your information that you don't share with others
  8. 14. popular pictures
  9. 15. video chatting
  10. 16. cloud downloading music