
  1. 2. of a regular pyramid is the portion of a regular pyramid included between the base and a section parallel to the base.
  2. 5. of Axes swept through an angle, say in counterclockwise manner, with the origin serving as the pivot point.
  3. 6. sequence if a sequence of values follows a pattern of adding a fixed amount from one term to the next.
  4. 8. of Axes involves shifting the axes to new position parallel to the original position.
  5. 11. triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients.
  6. 12. of a Polygon is a positive number that represent the number of square units needed to cover the polygon.
  7. 13. is a solid bounded by a closed surface and every point of which is equidistant from a given point.
  8. 14. Section if one or two nappes of a cone are intersected by a plane, then the cross section formed.
  1. 1. sequence If a sequence of values follows a pattern of multiplying a fixed amount (not zero) times each term to arrive at the following term.
  2. 3. process of measuring the lengths, and volume of solid using algebraic equation and geometric calculation.
  3. 4. is an expression consisting of variables and coefficients which only employs the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-negative integer exponents.
  4. 7. is the set of all points on a plane equidistant from a fixed point on the given plane.
  5. 9. is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols; it is a unifying thread of almost all of mathematics.
  6. 10. Geometry deal with the most important concepts and topics related to the aforementioned disciplines.