  1. 1. Freud believed that ___________ are the royal road to the unconscious
  2. 3. An irrational fear of animals is called ___________
  3. 9. A delusional belief in which a woman feels that a person of a higher social status is in love with her
  4. 10. An individual who falsely believes that the police are after him is said to be experiencing persecutory _________
  5. 11. Endogenous opiate neuropeptides that are secreted by the central nervous system
  6. 14. When naming the color takes longer than reading the word, e.g. GREEN, it’s called the ______ effect
  7. 15. This mental illness is characterized by a loss of touch with reality
  8. 16. During natural disasters, many support groups work for the welfare of the victims without any expectation of reward, by putting their own welfare aside. This is referred to as an _________ attitude
  9. 19. A leader who gives all rights and power to his employees to make decisions is called a __________ leader
  10. 20. This Freudian defined the defense mechanisms in detail in the book ‘The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense’
  1. 2. Restricting calorie intake due to the pathological fear of becoming fat
  2. 4. Repeated thought about having germs on the hand can be referred to as ___________
  3. 5. The cell body of the neuron is called _________
  4. 6. In Pavlov’s dog experiment, salivation to food was the ___________ response
  5. 7. An operant conditioning chamber in which an animal presses a lever to get food
  6. 8. The first experimental laboratory of Psychology was established in the city of _________
  7. 12. An individual with this personality disorder is preoccupied with fantasies of self-importance being admired by others
  8. 13. A consequence to a particular behavior that discourages the repetition of that behavior in the future
  9. 17. Fixation at this psychosexual stage of development is believed to result in excessive smoking in adulthood
  10. 18. The phase in bipolar disorder in which the individual has an inflated sense of self and has flight of ideas