
  1. 1. Elf, Master archer
  2. 4. Frodo's companion
  3. 5. Seeing Stone
  4. 7. Théoden's evil counselor
  5. 12. Dark Lord
  6. 13. Evil wizard
  7. 16. Leader of the Uruk-hai
  8. 17. The White
  9. 21. Saruman's tower
  10. 23. Aragorn's sword
  11. 24. Gathering of Ents
  12. 25. Has the One Ring
  1. 2. Ring to rule them all
  2. 3. Riders of _________
  3. 4. The fastest horse
  4. 6. Location of Orthanc
  5. 8. Lord of the Mark
  6. 9. Gollum
  7. 10. Great River
  8. 11. Son of Gloin
  9. 14. Boromir's brother
  10. 15. Tree-like creature
  11. 18. Son of Arathorn
  12. 19. Pippin's companion
  13. 20. Marshal of the Mark
  14. 22. Common food