
  1. 4. scientific law that states the one volt can push one amp through one ohm of resistance.
  2. 6. a roughly circular line, route, or movement that starts and finishes at the same place
  3. 7. to cause something to trigger
  4. 9. amount of electrical potential, that is, the capacity to do work.
  5. 10. form in which electrical current is generated at power stations
  6. 12. circuit protection device that acts like a switch to open the circuit when current flow become excessive.
  7. 14. circuit control is where the electricity is being told of how it is flowing
  8. 15. electrical circuit that contains individual branches for each load.
  9. 16. flow of electrons from a source of lower electrical potential through a conductor.
  10. 17. wires,terminals,and connectors that carry electricity in circuit.
  11. 18. the amount being hold back
  12. 19. measurement of voltage lost through wiring, components
  1. 1. a circuit having its parts connected serially
  2. 2. type of current created by the use of a battery.
  3. 3. source of high electrical potential,typically a battery in automotive applications.
  4. 5. electrical applications,anything that consumes electrical power
  5. 8. handheld electrical testing device that can measure AC and DC voltage
  6. 11. help to protect people from injury
  7. 13. the flow of electricity that flows in the car
  8. 20. go with the transportation