
  1. 2. Chinese currency
  2. 4. Japanese city
  3. 9. First President of Indonesia
  4. 11. ... massacre
  5. 12. Vietnamese economic reforms
  6. 15. A type of noodles
  7. 16. Organisation headed by a korean
  8. 17. One of Beijing's biggest problems
  9. 19. Biggest religion in Indonesia
  10. 20. 5 neighbouring countries
  1. 1. Chinese symbolic animal
  2. 3. Ongoing Japanese manga series
  3. 5. "singing in Japan"
  4. 6. Native religion in Japan
  5. 7. Japanese fighting
  6. 8. Chinese ideology
  7. 10. Japanese quality thinking
  8. 13. Ancient name of Ho Chi Minh City
  9. 14. Chinese martial arts
  10. 15. Indian money
  11. 18. Indonesian "pressed rice"