
  1. 2. unknown creators
  2. 4. its a warm planet
  3. 5. way its were the planets are
  4. 7. planet years
  5. 9. it gives us light at night
  6. 10. what is made out of dirt and rocks
  7. 11. were all planets are
  8. 14. what we use to get up to space
  9. 17. giants big planets
  1. 1. were all planets are
  2. 3. they come soaring threw the air
  3. 5. its closest to the sun
  4. 6. what we are learning about
  5. 8. its blanket of gas
  6. 12. they travel to earth
  7. 13. it gives us heat
  8. 15. were we live
  9. 16. balls of fire