crosswordlabs v1

  1. 2. Financial markets’ impact on monetary and fiscal policy
  2. 3. IS-LM model
  3. 5. Non-cooperative game theory equilibrium
  4. 7. Economics of common pool resources
  5. 10. Auctions and game theory
  6. 11. Uncertainty and transactions costs
  7. 12. Application of statistical methods to economic history
  8. 14. Permanent income hypothesis
  9. 17. Economics of social issues
  10. 18. Trade and development
  11. 20. Life Cycle Hypothesis
  12. 21. International trade
  13. 22. Economic growth
  14. 23. Repeated games
  15. 25. Asset prices and optimal portfolio
  16. 26. Social choice and market equilibrium
  17. 27. Growth and development
  18. 28. Uncertainty and macroeconomic policy
  19. 30. Father of econometrics
  20. 31. Game theory
  21. 32. Options pricing
  22. 35. Mathematical proof of market equilibrium
  23. 36. Efficient markets hypothesis
  24. 37. Economic development of various cultures
  25. 38. Vector autoregression (VAR)applications in finance
  1. 1. Applications of deferred algorithm to
  2. 2. Game theory applied to industrial organization issues
  3. 4. International and interregional trade issues
  4. 6. Industrial organization and theory of regulation
  5. 8. Asset pricing and options pricing
  6. 9. Externalities and transaction costs
  7. 13. Mathematical principles to optimization
  8. 15. Growth and development
  9. 16. Input-output analysis
  10. 19. Allocation of resources in a centrally planned economy
  11. 22. Deferred algorithm in game theory
  12. 24. Mechanism design theory
  13. 28. Behavioral finance
  14. 29. Unemployment and search costs
  15. 32. National income accounting
  16. 33. Decision-making with bounded rationality and satisficing
  17. 34. Rational expectations and macroeconomic policy