  1. 2. a varible or a combination of varibles, number, and symbols that represents a mathmatical relationship
  2. 4. a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal
  3. 6. to rays that share a end point
  4. 7. a mathematical sentence sentences that compares two unequal expressions using one of the symbols
  5. 9. the mathematics of the properties and relationships of points,lines ,angles ,surfaces, and solids
  6. 10. uses variables to express general rules about number, number relationship and operation
  1. 1. property when one of the factors of product is writen as a sum mutiplying
  2. 3. the ratio of the circumference of any circle to this diameter, approximately equal to 3.12 or 22/7
  3. 5. number a number that can be expressed as a ratio of two intergers
  4. 8. the measure, in square unit, of the interior region of 2-dimensional figure or the surface of 3-dimensional figure