Crown - Life Topics - Unit 5 Liquid Candy

  1. 3. Be against an opinion, plan or idea (o)
  2. 5. Linked to (c,t)
  3. 6. Scientists or specialists who know about a topic (e)
  4. 8. Putting on weight (w,g)
  5. 9. Forever; For all of your life (f,L)
  6. 13. Dangerous; Damaging (h)
  7. 14. Act badly (m)
  8. 15. Make less; Reduce (L)
  1. 1. A disease linked to high blood sugar (d)
  2. 2. Cause someone to be interested in something (a)
  3. 4. Having vitamins and minerals; healthy (n,v)
  4. 7. Violently; strongly (a)
  5. 10. Become thinner (L,w)
  6. 11. Very overweight (o)
  7. 12. A notice to say “Be careful” (w)