
  1. 4. boy in your school
  2. 5. where you learn in the school
  3. 9. a test that counts for more of your grade
  4. 10. where you work
  5. 13. to measure length
  6. 16. a one mester
  7. 17. school assigns this for you to do at home
  8. 18. you make pencil marks go away with this
  9. 19. where you learn
  10. 21. the school with the higher grade levels
  11. 24. you write in this for school
  12. 26. what you wear on your back to school
  13. 27. the people in your class
  14. 29. what teachers teach that day
  15. 30. a girl who is a friend
  16. 31. where you sit
  17. 33. room where you learn in school
  18. 34. you read these
  19. 35. to erase a board
  20. 38. where you buy books
  21. 40. where all of the words are
  22. 42. what level of school you are in
  23. 43. a boy in your class
  24. 45. a room in a school
  25. 46. you take these with a pen/pencil
  26. 50. you most likely have one of these
  27. 51. another word for this is proctor
  1. 1. the woman that teaches you
  2. 2. where you work out
  3. 3. a garbage bin
  4. 6. you eat in school here
  5. 7. you see out of this from inside your home
  6. 8. you can use this do do work and play games
  7. 11. everyone
  8. 12. you use this to do math
  9. 14. a three mester
  10. 15. you write with this
  11. 19. helps you find your way
  12. 20. you write on this
  13. 22. tells time
  14. 23. to sharpen a pencil
  15. 25. a cellular telefono
  16. 28. the man that teaches you
  17. 29. another type of this is an ipad
  18. 32. where you sit in class
  19. 36. you walk through this
  20. 37. another thing you write with
  21. 39. a board that is black
  22. 41. a book you get info from
  23. 44. you write on a white board with this
  24. 47. it is quiet and you can rent books and movies
  25. 48. a girl in your class
  26. 49. a boy who is a friend