Cryptology Terms - Milan M.

  1. 1. : The sentence “how often does a solar eclipse occur” could be rewritten as “what is the _________ of solar eclipses.”
  2. 3. : Given the following AES Encryption = UgOXGh2Cug/NoVStuWLhyQ==, Key = 1234567890qwerty Mode = CBC, and Padding = PKCS5Padding. I wonder what “UgOXGh2Cug/NoVStuWLhyQ==” means? I’ll use the key in AES UgOXGh2Cug/NoVStuWLhyQ== -> Hello.
  3. 6. : A “I wonder how Google makes its coin flip random?” B “Google’s coin flip probably uses a mathematical algorithm that generates a ____________ which determines whether or not it lands on heads or tails.”
  4. 8. : A “What if instead of just using the same one alphabet for a cipher we use multiple different alphabets?”
  5. 12. : A “My history teacher talks way too fast during lectures and I can’t write my notes in time. If only there was some method of writing that is faster and uses abbreviations and symbols” B “That does exist it's called _________”
  6. 13. : Math 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…
  7. 14. Machine : A “We need a faster way of encrypting and decrypting messages in this war. If only there was some kind of device that could do that for you.” B “There is something like that it's called the ______ _______ and it could really help in this war.”
  8. 15. : Caesar ______ +3 Hello = -> Khoor. A->D, B->E, C->F, D->G, E->H, F->I, G->J, H->K, I->L, J->M, K->N, L->O, M->P, N->Q, O->R, P->S, Q->T, R->U, S->V, T->W, U->X, V->Y, W->Z, X->A, Y->B, Z->C.
  9. 16. : A “Out of all of the letters in the alphabet I think that I am the most important” A thinks that he is the _________ of the alphabet.
  10. 17. : C “What is your favorite color?” A ”I’m not telling you since you are C” C “I am B” A “oh ok since you are B I will tell you my favorite color is blue.”
  11. 19. : User “Computer do something!” Computer “SyntaxError invalid syntax” User “print(“Hello World”)” Computer “Hello World”
  12. 20. Principal : A “Instead of making a strong key that will be hard to remember, I’ll just make my cipher algorithm a secret.” B “Don’t do that according to ___________ _________ the secrecy of the key is what really matters, not the secrecy of the cipher algorithm.”
  1. 2. : A “I only want person B to know what my message is. So I’ll use __________. I’ll use an __________ algorithm and make a key that I will share with B to create a message that only B will know.”
  2. 4. : A “What is ______________?” B “This.”
  3. 5. : A “I keep up to date with cybersecurity while B does not so I am more safer from danger and threats than B so I have better ________”
  4. 7. : “I know a lot about blank, blank, blank,...”
  5. 8. : Website “How do I really know that you are User123? Give me a secret string of characters to show that it is really you?” User123 “Qwerty” Website “Ok you are User123” What is “Qwerty” in this example?
  6. 9. : A "Who are you?" B "Im B" A "If you are really B what is my favorite color?" B "Blue" A “ok you are B”
  7. 10. : Opposite of this = Caesar Cipher +3 Hello->Khoor, this = Caesar Cipher +3 Khoor->Hello.
  8. 11. : Caesar Cipher +1 Khoor->Jgnnq = Doesn’t work, Caesar Cipher +2 Khoor->Ifmmp = Doesn’t work, Caesar Cipher +3 Khoor->Hello = Works!
  9. 18. : Get peanut butter, jelly, and two pieces of bread. 1 Spread peanut butter on one piece of bread 2 Spread jelly on the other piece of bread 3 Combine peanut butter bread and jelly bread. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich made.