- 3. Vampire's favorite drink
- 4. Animals that fly
- 5. Bobbing for _
- 9. Halloween face garb
- 10. Sharp Teeth
- 11. Mr. O'Lantern
- 12. The Count
- 14. Comes out on a full moon
- 15. Gives me the _
- 16. Final resting place
- 17. Walking corpse
- 18. Vampires hate this
- 21. Rides a broom
- 24. Halloween month
- 26. Where witches stir their brew
- 27. mash Popular seasonal song
- 28. What children say on Halloween
- 29. Lives in a web
- 31. Halloween vegetable candy
- 1. What ghosts say
- 2. A disguise
- 3. Halloween animal
- 6. Fall drink
- 7. Boney sort of fellow
- 8. October 31st
- 10. Classic Halloween monster
- 13. Where ghosts like to play
- 19. apple coating
- 20. Type of Halloween maze
- 22. Having a ghost in your house
- 23. Where vampires sleep
- 25. Movie Killer Michael _
- 30. Main ingredient for seasonal pie