CS1 What is Coding

  1. 2. Applications used by the user to accomplish tasks such as word processors, browsers and games
  2. 3. A computer expansion card that generates a feed of graphics output to a display device such as a monitor.
  3. 5. A human readable way to write instructions for a computer
  4. 6. A set of instructions written by a programmer using a programming language
  5. 8. The physical parts that make up a computer
  6. 10. The single unit of information in a computer, typically represented as a 0 or 1
  7. 15. Makes the computer usable. Displays graphical user interface, manages user applications and manages memory allocation
  8. 16. Will store information weather the power is on or not
  9. 19. Also called applications or programs. Contains instructions telling the computer what to do.
  10. 20. A way of representing information using ten options
  1. 1. Connects the different parts of the computer together and where the processor and memory live.
  2. 4. Executes the instructions it receives from the computer's software.
  3. 7. A non-volatile storage device that stores data using magnetic disks and is used in computers and other devices
  4. 9. Memory computers use to store data long term and memory users use to store data
  5. 10. A way of representing information using only two options
  6. 11. Programs that run on the computer that help the computer perform tasks such as a boot program or a device driver
  7. 12. Only stores information when the power is on
  8. 13. An electrical device that supplies electric power to a computer.
  9. 14. A device which allows a computer to read from and write on to computer disks.
  10. 17. Stores currently executing program instructions and stores information the computer needs to work
  11. 18. 8 bits