  1. 1. The CSB is good for serious _ _ _ _ _ and also for reading and sharing.
  2. 3. On the CSB website you can read all about the CSB, read it online, download the app, choose the best CSB for your needs and there is a helpful list of FAQ’s. The CSB website address is: www. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  3. 9. The CSB offers an optimal blend of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and Readability
  4. 10. An example of the CSB: She Reads _ _ _ _ _ Bible
  5. 11. Name one of the reasons why people don’t read the bible: They struggle to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the text
  6. 13. The CSB is built for the _ _ _ _ _ _
  7. 14. Complete the sentence: This translation is more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than the NIV and more understandable than the ESV
  8. 15. Complete the sentence: The CSB employs a translation philosophy known as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Equivalence, which seeks to achieve an optimal balance of linguistic precision reflecting the original languages with readability in contemporary English.
  1. 2. Which two words describe the Bible in general and the CSB specifically? Faithful and _ _ _ _
  2. 4. How is the CSB differentiated from other bible translations? Choose A, B or C: (A) Formal word for word; (B) Best blend of literal and readable; (C) Dynamic thought for thought
  3. 5. Complete the sentence: The Christian Standard Bible is easy to read, but is also true to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2 words)
  4. 6. What does “CSB” stand for? The Christian _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bible
  5. 7. Complete the sentence: The Translation Oversight Committee incorporated feedback from 100 scholars, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, seminaries and 17 evangelical denominations.
  6. 8. What does the CSB logo symbolise? A compass pointing True _ _ _ _ _
  7. 12. The CSB is a translation of the _ _ _ _ _ _ Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)