CSE screens

  1. 1. you will use this screen when provided a SSN
  2. 3. this screen shows how much you are past due
  3. 4. this plus 5 digit fips will help you locate me
  4. 6. to view cases per SSN
  5. 8. I am an order level with information on due date
  6. 9. I hold the secrets to this case
  7. 11. what is my function
  8. 12. to see if more money received then posted
  9. 15. this is how I receive my payments
  10. 16. what actions might be available
  1. 1. current support and arrearage amount due
  2. 2. for more information on my secrets you would look here
  3. 5. if I am medical only you will know by looking here
  4. 6. to find out were I can be served check here
  5. 7. to see if I have the means to pay you might look here
  6. 10. if my friend no me as anyone else
  7. 11. all members are found here
  8. 13. I will show you your obligation type
  9. 14. payments post here