Csillajcsi - fejtsd meg, és a színezett részekből rakj össze egy új szót

  1. 1. Puch first. Ask question while punching.
  2. 3. A gladiator's life is simple: You win and live, or lose and die. A king's life is more complex. The only truth for a king is that there are no easy answers.
  3. 6. So much untapped power!
  4. 8. Your soul shall be mine!
  5. 9. And all will burn beneaath the shadow of my wings
  6. 13. By fire be purged!
  7. 14. Justce demand retribution!
  8. 15. Put your faith in the light!
  9. 17. My magic will tear you apart!
  10. 18. Mystinger brings ugly death
  11. 20. Rules are made to be broken... like buildigs! Or people!
  12. 21. See your world through my eyes.
  13. 23. The early bird guts the worm.
  14. 24. I've been patient, I've been waiting and when the time is right the betrayal become the betrayed.
  1. 1. The horde is my people, if it war you bring, then i stand against you.
  2. 2. Anyone who'd rise against my new horde will be impaled upon the spires of Orgrimmar!
  3. 4. This is our land! You wanna stay here? You stay here forever! We gonna bury you here!
  4. 5. I'll drink you under the table, scrub!
  5. 7. I bring life and hope.
  6. 10. At long last, No king rules forever my son.
  7. 11. You are not prepared!
  8. 12. Rise up Iron Horde! Bring your warchief their heads.
  9. 15. Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call!
  10. 16. DEMACIAAA!!
  11. 19. I will hunt you down!
  12. 22. Frostmourne hungers!