CST Review

  1. 1. geothermal energy is possible where there is
  2. 4. made possible by the presence of photosynthesis
  3. 5. a rift valley is an evidence of which kind of plate boundary
  4. 6. the least explosive volcano
  5. 7. which industry's water requirement is the greatest burden on California's fresh water supply
  6. 8. before the formation of the stars, most of the matter in the universe consisted of what atoms
  7. 10. Earth's atmosphere is divided into layers are based upon their
  8. 11. carbon in the atmosphere is most often found as
  9. 13. stars begin their life cycle as a
  10. 16. provides evidence for plate tectonics
  11. 17. the Richter scale measure which of the earthquake's characteristics
  12. 18. energy sources most likely to found in California due to its plate boundary's position
  13. 19. composed of silicate minerals
  14. 20. detect, measure, and record earthquake vibrations
  15. 21. the driving force for surface ocean currents
  1. 2. the surface of Mercury and our moon contain some very large craters that are most likely from
  2. 3. a layer of cool air is found under a layer o warm air above it
  3. 9. formed from the light gases of the outer solar nebula
  4. 12. the most massive stars will end their lives as a
  5. 14. shifts in Earth's continents most likely caused a change in Earth's
  6. 15. the Milky Way galaxy is described as a