  1. 2. Mission Impossible, The Lord of the Rings and Hannibal Lecter are famous ...; in other words, they all consist of three movies.
  2. 5. osajako, roolittaa
  3. 9. The Shape of Water received the most Oscar ... with 13, including Best Picture, Actress in a Leading Role and Original Screenplay, in 2018
  4. 11. koe-esiintyminen
  5. 12. arvostelu
  6. 13. They used to have prompters in theatres who would whisper the ... if the actors forgot them.
  7. 15. ... are illusions or visual tricks used in films to stimulate the imagined events in a story or virtual world.
  8. 17. osoittaa suosiota
  9. 19. When learning a foreign language, it is useful to watch a film by listening to the actors and also reading the ... in the original language.
  1. 1. If the theatre audience really love the show, they get up and give the actors...
  2. 3. This scene was actually filmed on ..., not in a studio.
  3. 4. kuvata, filmata
  4. 6. Des is a real cinema enthusiast. He always watches the ... at the end of the film.
  5. 7. harjoitella
  6. 8. You can enjoy some refreshments in the lobby during the .... between the acts.
  7. 10. dokkari
  8. 14. ohjaaja
  9. 16. avustaja
  10. 18. esirippu