CTE Med Term. Vocab

  1. 6. incision of an ovary
  2. 8. surgical repair of a testis
  3. 9. a specialist in female reproductive system
  4. 11. surgical fixation of the uterus
  5. 15. medical specialty dealing with children
  6. 17. study of the female reproductive system
  7. 18. medical specialist of children
  8. 20. inflammation of the prostate
  1. 1. surgical repair of the uterus
  2. 2. excision of the cervix
  3. 3. medical specialist dealing with newborns
  4. 4. medical specialty dealing with newborns
  5. 5. incision of the uterus
  6. 7. inflammation of the breast
  7. 10. pain in the uterus
  8. 12. pain in the testes
  9. 13. uterus descent of the uterus
  10. 14. low sperm count
  11. 16. incision of a testis
  12. 19. a varicose of the testes