Cuban Missile Crisis

  1. 4. The Americans gave this to Cuba.
  2. 5. Gave training to Cuban exiles.
  3. 9. Khrushchev sent a number of these.
  4. 10. Type of spy plane used over Cuba.
  5. 11. Capital of Cuba.
  6. 15. President before Kennedy.
  7. 17. Many Cubans couldn't read or write.
  8. 18. Cuban communist leader.
  9. 21. Place where unsuccessful invasion occurred.
  1. 1. Corrupt dictator overthrown in 1959.
  2. 2. Fidel Castro persecuted this group.
  3. 3. He died in Bolivia.
  4. 6. Term Kennedy used for his blockade.
  5. 7. Advisers who encouraged Kennedy to be aggressive.
  6. 8. A major Cuban export.
  7. 12. Country where Cuban exiles were trained.
  8. 13. Separation of blacks and whites.
  9. 14. This happened to many Cuban industries.
  10. 16. They sought a peaceful solution to the crisis.
  11. 19. Country with US nuclear missiles in it.
  12. 20. This was established between the capitals.