Cuban Missile Crisis

  1. 3. American manufacture company that makes snowmobiles and etc
  2. 7. was a armed revolt conducted by Fidel Castro
  3. 12. communication between the US and Moscow
  4. 13. single jet engine
  5. 14. a council of the us government that told JFK about the Cuban missile crisis
  6. 16. is used to separate and restrict movement of persons
  7. 17. a unit of weight or capital equal to 1000 metric tons
  8. 19. the capital of Russia
  9. 20. launched from the ground to destroy aircraft
  1. 1. the capital of Cuba
  2. 2. second longest serving US secretary of state of all time
  3. 4. the biggest communist group
  4. 5. the president spends his life there for 4 yr term
  5. 6. a cut off materials, war materials and communication
  6. 8. organization that keeps countries from going to war
  7. 9. the senator of the US
  8. 10. its second smallest continent by surface area
  9. 11. the country nickname is Sunshine state, one of the cities are Miami
  10. 15. a failure invasion by the C.I.A
  11. 18. a missile that was launched by a Soviet commander