Cuisine française

  1. 3. fuzzy and brown on the outside, has black seed on inside
  2. 4. Very small, often found in sushi.
  3. 6. very commonly spread on bread or toast
  4. 9. de terre what are french fries made out of?
  5. 11. what does spongebob live in?
  6. 12. blue and grows on a bush (this was not on our vocabulary)
  7. 14. many different shapes and sizes,sometimes found in soups .
  8. 16. you cry when you chop it
  9. 19. a young sheep
  10. 20. the type of fish used in a casserole
  1. 1. thanksgiving dinner
  2. 2. commonly poured into coffee
  3. 5. the crackers partner
  4. 7. a bunny's favorite snack
  5. 8. shaped like an umbrella and as rubbery as rubber
  6. 10. green eggs and _____
  7. 13. what do you put in cereal?
  8. 15. red and round and sweet in the summer
  9. 17. chewy and can be changed in a toaster
  10. 18. the italians favourite food