Culinary Math

  1. 7. Units that make up the metric system, which is the standard system used in many parts of the world and also used by scientists and health professionals.
  2. 13. Another name for the balance beam scale
  3. 14. A list of food items showing the expected, or average, shrinkage from AP amount to EP amount
  4. 15. A process that removes lumps from a dry ingredient and gives it a smoother consistency
  5. 18. The measurement of an item's resistance to gravity
  6. 19. Refers to how much of something is being used in a recipe
  7. 22. The trim that is removed from a product and has no use in the restaurant
  8. 25. With this scale, weights are placed on one end, and the product is placed on the other end until the beam balances
  9. 26. Amount of a food item as it was purchased, before preparation such as trimming and cutting
  10. 28. Amount of food item left to be cooked and eaten after preparation such as trimming and cutting
  11. 29. A technique used when adding large numbers
  12. 32. A number being divided by another number
  13. 34. In a recipe, this list includes the size and type of pans and other equipment needed, the oven temperature, cooking time, and any preheating instructions
  14. 35. A test that helps to determine the amount of product that will be produced after the required processing
  15. 36. A technique used when subtracting large numbers
  1. 1. recipes for institutional use, which must follow a format that is clear to anyone who uses them
  2. 2. Test used to measure the amount of trim loss, or "shrinkage", that occurs during the trimming of a meat product, including deboning and removing fat and gristle
  3. 3. The smallest number that both denominators can be divided into evenly
  4. 4. This scale measures resistance electronically and provides a digital readout.
  5. 5. The number by which another number is being divided
  6. 6. Fractions in which the denominators to be added or subtracted are the same
  7. 8. The trim that is removed from a product but that may be used in a different way than originally intended
  8. 9. The number of servings or the amount a recipe makes
  9. 10. The individual amount that serves a person
  10. 11. The process of accounting for the weight of an empty container on a scale by weighing the container and adjusting the scale until it reads zero before adding the food or item to be weighed
  11. 12. The cost per serving of food; dividing the total cost of a recipe by the yield provides this
  12. 16. Information sometimes included with a recipe that may list the amounts of fat, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, sodium, vitamins, and minerals in the recipe
  13. 17. A scale that measures the pressure placed on a spring in order to weigh something
  14. 20. The food items needed to make a recipe, usually listed in the order in which they are used
  15. 21. The lower portion of fractions
  16. 23. Food that is purchased already trimmed and cut, such as precut fries
  17. 24. The upper portion of fractions
  18. 27. The number by which to multiply the ingredients in a recipe in order to reach the new yield desired
  19. 30. The amount of space an ingredient (or something else) takes up
  20. 31. A written record of the ingredients and preparation steps needed to make a particular dish
  21. 33. Part per 100