- 1. father of Romulus and Remus
- 4. she hated Aeneas and the Trojans
- 5. years waited to run for the same office
- 9. crafty king of Ithaca
- 10. ruled during a agrarian golden age
- 11. name of deified Romulus
- 15. first king of Rome
- 17. son of Apollo, healer god
- 20. cousin of Achilles
- 21. only lame god
- 22. a giant Cyclops and son of Neptune
- 24. had the Fire in her temple
- 25. goddess of moon and magic
- 27. brother of Hector, chooses the winner of the “apple” incident
- 28. her bird was the dove
- 2. gave Ulysses a bag of winds
- 3. office responsible for treasury
- 6. rolls a golden apple into the wedding of Peleus and Thetis
- 7. former chief executive
- 8. eldest son of Priam and Hecuba
- 12. god of doorways
- 13. the ideal dictator
- 14. groups prevented from engage in business
- 16. months served by censor, senator, and dictator
- 18. office closest to vice- president
- 19. where the Senate met
- 22. office only open to Plebs
- 23. son of Alcmena and Jupiter
- 26. acronym for the co-equal power of the Roman Republic